Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Object Lesson | $20 Bill

Source (Where I saw it): Saw versions of this at Victory Church, online at Mormon Share, and at various Kids' camps.

Supplies: $20 bill, $50 bill, or $100 bill, etc.

Preparation: None

The object lesson & how I used it...

Main Point: We are all worth a lot to God, no matter what we do or what happens to us.  So we need to treat each other with the same respect.

Illustration: Show a nice new $20 Bill.  Ask the kids who wants it.  Then crumple it up, throw on ground, pretend to sneeze on it, etc.  After each action ask if the kids still want it.  Everyone still wants it, of course.  After a while ask some of the kids why they still want it.  Most of the kids will respond, " because it is still money!"  Now explain that we as people are the same way.  To God we all have value.  No matter what we do our what happens to us, God loves us!  This is a great lesson in and of itself.  If you want, you can take it a step further.  I used it to illustrate the point that since we all are very valuable to God, we need to see each other as valuable and love one another.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Object Lesson | Food Coloring

Source (Where I saw it): Victory Church - Kim Kelley - Kidtricity

Supplies: Food Coloring, 2 clear glasses, bleach

Preparation: Fill one of the glasses with water, and prep the second glass with a drop of food coloring at the bottom.

The object lesson & how I used it...

Main Point: God makes us clean

Illustration:  Start out with one clear glass with clean water.  Explain how God created us clean, and pure.  Then sin entered the world.  Have another glass ready with a little bit of food coloring at the bottom.  When you pour the clean water into that glass the water will turn a new color.  Explain that when we do bad things, it makes us not as clean.  Then add a few drops of bleach (Obviously be very careful with the bleach).  Stir it and it will make the water pretty clear again.  Explain how God makes us new again if we let him.