Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Object Lesson | Stuffed Animal

Source (Where I saw it): Original

Supplies: Stuffed Animal of Favorite Toy

Preparation: None

The object lesson & how I used it...

Main Point: God is always there for us!

Illustration: Show the kids the stuffed animal or favorite toy that you have.  Explain to the kids that you love this toy.  In fact, you take really good care of it.  Ask a few of the kids what is their favorite toy.  Then ask them if they would take their favorite toy and throw it down stairs or light it on fire?  Of course not!  We take care of the things we love.  God is the same way with us.  God wants to be there for us in the good times and the bad times.  It is just a matter of us letting Him be there.  God loves us!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Object Lesson | Sand

Source (Where I saw it): Original

Supplies: Sand

Preparation: None

The object lesson & how I used it...

Main Point: God cares about every detail of our life!

Illustration: Show the kids the sand.  Ask them who loves the beach?  How many of you went to the beach a lot this summer?  How many of you want to be at the beach right now?  The beach is a great place.  Isn’t it crazy how little each grain of sand is?  I mean, how many millions upon millions of grains of sand does it take to make one single beach.  God took the time to create all this sand.  He pays attention to every tiny detail of his creation.  The Bible tells us that he knows how many hairs are on our head.  We can know that God loves us and is interested in every aspect of our lives.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Object Lesson | Story Book

Source (Where I saw it): Original

Supplies: A story book - preferably a choose your own adventure story book (Make sure it is an appropriate book)

Preparation: None

The object lesson & how I used it...

Main Point: When God is our #1 we have a much better chance to live a fulfilling life!

Illustration: Show the kids the story book.  Explain to them that in a story the main character has to make choices.  You can go into the main character of the book you use and the choices they have to make.  Explain that each choice leads the character down a certain path.  Sometimes the character is a hero and saves the day, while other characters choose to be villains and try to destroy the world.  The explain that each and every one of us is living out our own story book.  Each day we make decisions that lead us down a specific path.  How many people in life want to grow up and be in jail?  How many people grow up and say they want to hate what they do?  How many people grow up hoping to regret all the choices they made in their life?  Of course not!  So many people make small choices each and every day that lead them down wrong paths.  We need to put God first in our lives.  If we learn to hear God and put God first in everything we do, you can grow up finding a life that is fulfilling and rewarding, but the choice is yours!  Each choice you make is your choice, not your parents, not your siblings, and not your friends.  Put God first in your life, so your choices can lead to a better future surrounded with God’s love and mercy!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Object Lesson | Video Game Love

Source (Where I saw it): Original

Supplies: Video Game or Controller

Preparation: None

The object lesson & how I used it...

Main Point: God needs to be our #1

Illustration: One person comes up hugging and holding a video game controller.  They are talking to it like it is the best thing in the whole world, and how much they love it.  Go as fas as to dance with it!  Just tell it how amazing it  is and how the video game has changed your life.  Then the leader says, they are interrupting a bit, and the person says who cares, the whole world needs to know about my controller!  I will shout it from the mountain tops!  They then run out of the room.  Then the leader explains that many of us do the same thing.  We may not do it like that, but when we choose to not listen to our parents to finish our game or whatever we are doing we are putting that first in our lives.  God needs to be first in our lives, but many of us only think about God and our relationship with him at church.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Object Lesson | Candy Priority

Source (Where I saw it): Original

Supplies: Candy of different kinds

Preparation: None

The object lesson & how I used it...

Main Point - God needs to be our #1

Illustration: Two people come in with their hands filled with candy.  They talk about how much they love candy!  They then start asking each other which is their favorite out of the candy they have.  They go into detail about ranking the candy, taking each kind and describing its sugary goodness.  Make sure to talk about how it smells and tastes and everything!  After ranking them, and you can use the kids to help you by asking them, walk out talking about how and when you are going to eat it all.  Then the leader comes up and explains that in life we all rank our activities and goals.  Some of us will put our games first, others will put our activities like soccer and baseball first, still others will put their friends first in their lives.  All those things can be good things, but they do not lead to a great, fulfilling life.  The way to have a live that is fulfilling is to put God first.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Object Lesson | Craft Sand

Source (Where I saw it): Based off of Christian Crafters

Supplies: Two water glasses, two bouncy balls, craft sand

Preparation: None

The object lesson & how I used it...

Main Point: God needs to be our #1

Illustration: Show the kids the first bouncy ball.  Tell them how important it is to put God first in your life.  When we put God first then all our choices, and our whole life can be covered by God.  At this point put the bouncy ball in one of the water glasses and then pour in the craft sand.  The sand will completely cover the ball.  Then explain how if you don’t put God first in your life, you won’t be completely covered by God’s grace, mercy, and love.  This time pour the craft sand in the second glass first, and then drop the bouncy ball on top.  When it comes to living the most fulfilling life, God needs to come first.  It is your decisions on the life you lead.  If you put everything else before God, then there is little room to hear God in your life.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Object Lesson | Junk Food vs Healthy Food

Source (Where I saw it): Original

Supplies: Junk food, and some healthy food

Preparation: Have the different kinds of foods on various plates up front.

The object lesson & how I used it...

Main Point: Temptation is a choice!  Sometimes sin looks good and feels good at first, but there is always consequences.

Illustration: Tell the kids how hungry you are, and that you are looking for something to eat.  You notice on the table there is some food!  Now you have to make a choice.  Do you go for the healthy food that will help you grow, and be more alert through the day, or do you choose the junk food that will taste really, really good now, but make you feel not so great later.  You stare at the junk food, and then at the healthy food.  Then explain to the children that sometimes we can be tempted with things that seem good, but in the long run will hurt us.  If we ate donuts for breakfast lunch and dinner we would end up being very unhealthy!  It is up to us to choose healthy things to put into our bodies.  In the same way, we have to make right choices in life as well!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Object Lesson | Ding Dong

Source (Where I saw it): Original

Supplies: Ding Dong (or some other kind of tasty treat)

Preparation: Buy a package of ding dongs by hostess or some other kind of treat!

The object lesson & how I used it...

Main Point: Temptation is a choice!

Illustration/Skit:One person comes up with their favorite treat - a ding dong!  They are so excited about getting the last one.  Their friend comes up and asks, “Is that a ding dong! Those are my favorite!!!”  The first person agrees that Ding Dongs are the best.  The first person then gets called out of the room by someone.  Before they leave they tell the second person if they could watch their Ding Dong and make sure none of the kids eat it. Once the person leaves the second person starts staring at the ding dong, acting like they can’t control themselves.  They unwrap it and look at it lovingly.  Then just before they eat it the first person runs back in and yells STOP!  They take back their Ding Dong and walk away.  The second person goes after them saying “I was only looking at it!”

Monday, August 2, 2010

Object Lesson | Video Game Cheats

Source (Where I saw it): Original

Supplies: Video Game Controller, or A Video Game, and a list of Cheat Codes.

Preparation: Make sure to have printed out a list of cheat codes

The object lesson & how I used it...

Main Point: The easy way is not always the right way!

Illustration: Ask the kids how many of them like playing video games.  Then ask them who likes to just play and who likes to beat each game!  Talk about how when you get a new video game you want to try and beat every level and get every secret.  Now ask the kids who likes to use cheat codes?  Explain how cheat codes can make the game a lot easier, but at the same time it takes away from the game.  You aren’t really beating it, you are taking the easy way out.  Now explain how in video games cheat codes can also make the game fun, and there is nothing wrong with using cheat codes.  In life though, there are times where we will be tempted to take the easy way out, like cheat on a test, or copying your friends homework, or letting your friend copy yours.  When we try to take shortcuts in life it can hurt us, and it isn’t doing the right thing.  God wants us to do the right thing, and when we trust him, he will help us make the right choice.