Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Object Lesson | Table Leg

Source (Where I saw it): Original

Supplies: Table with fold up legs, an object of some kind. (It is very funny if you actually use yourself as the object)

Preparation: None

The object lesson & how I used it...

Main Point - When we give, God uses our offering to support the church, so that the church can reach out!

Illustration: Go up front and set the object on the table.  Explain that because the table has four legs it can support the weight of this object and many more objects.  Now ask the kids what would happen if we removed two of the legs?  Fold up one side of the legs.  Now place the object on the table.  It will slide off and fall on the ground.  Explain to the kids that without the support the objects fall onto the ground.  The table isn’t as effective as it can be.

Explanation of the point: You see boys and girls when we give our time, money, and effort to the church we help support it and all the things the church does.  This pleases God, because we are helping to share our love with others around us!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Object Lesson | Lopsided Tug of War

Source (Where I saw it): Original

Supplies: A Rope

Preparation: None

The object lesson & how I used it...

Main Point: Even if we can only give a little, when we add up what all of us can give it can make a huge difference!

Illustration: While up front, explain to the kids that you are pretty strong and if you did tug of war with most of the kids in here you would win.  Then you are going to demonstrate.  Choose someone small and of course you are going to win.  Here is where it changes.  Pick another small child, and then another, etc.  Eventually, with 10-12 small children they will overpower you.  Then explain, even when we give just a little bit it all adds up when everyone gives and eventually has a huge impact!