Thursday, March 24, 2011

Object Lesson | Very Smart Phone

Source (Where I saw it): Original

Supplies: Landline phone, smart phone

Preparation: None

The object lesson & how I used it...

Main Point: When we are baptized in the Holy Spirit, we open ourselves up to all that God has for us.

Illustration: Show the kids the landline phone and explain that when we are saved we have a direct line with God.  Back in Bible times this wasn’t the case.  People had to go through priests and all sorts of stuff to talk with God.  Now once we ask God to be in our life we can automatically talk with Him and have a relationship with God.  Just like picking up the phone and calling someone, but even better!  Now show the kids the cell phone.  Explain that a cell phone can go anywhere just like how God is with us everywhere we go.  Now explain how this isn’t just a cell phone, it is a smart phone.  It can go online, it has GPS, it has games, you can write documents on there, etc.

Explanation of point: You see boys and girls, the disciples wanted more.  They listened to Jesus and waited for the Holy Spirit.  When they were baptized with the Holy Spirit they completely opened themselves to everything God had for them.  When they did that, they changed.  They no longer were afraid to fully go after the plans God had for them.  Just like how this smart phone is completely unlocked and can do so much, when we fully go after all the things God has for us, including the Holy Spirit, we can see the full amount of what God wants to do in our lives.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Object Lesson | Made Different

Source (Where I saw it): Original

Supplies: Glass of Water, Food Coloring

Preparation: Have a glass filled with water

The object lesson & how I used it...

Main Point: When we are baptized in the Holy Spirit, we open ourselves up to all that God has for us.

Illustration: Show the kids the glass of water and explain that when we give our life to God he makes us clean and whole again.  The bible tells us that when we open ourselves to the Holy Spirit we are asking for everything that God has for us.  Pour a few drops of food coloring into the water.

Explanation of point: The disciples were changed when they were baptized in the Holy Spirit, just like this water is a different color now.  They were open to everything that God had for them, and they no longer were afraid to fully chase the plan that God had for their lives.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Object Lesson | Object To Remember

Source (Where I saw it): Original

Supplies: An object that has sentimental value, Communion supplies.

Preparation: None

The object lesson & how I used it...

Main Point: Communion is a reminder of what Jesus did for us!

Illustration: Show the kids the object.  Explain to them how and why this object is important to you.  Ask the the kids if they have an object that means something to them.  Maybe it reminds of them of a friend or parent.  Maybe it reminds them of a something that happened.  We all have reminders.

Explanation of point: That is exactly what communion is all about!  When we take communion we are remembering what Jesus did for us.  Show the boys and girls the communion pieces and explain that these little objects really have no value.  It is what we are remembering when we take communion in church.  We are remembering that Jesus loves us and died for us!  He wants us to live a great life and go to heaven, but we have to make that choice.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Object Lesson | Name Tag

Source (Where I saw it): Original

Supplies: Your Tag

Preparation: None

The object lesson & how I used it...

Main Point: When we are baptized, it shows the world that we made a choice that our heart belongs to God!

Illustration: Show the kids the lanyard.  Show them that it has a picture of you along with the name of the children’s church here and an id as a hero, staff, etc.

Explanation of point: Explain to them that the lanyard shows that you are a children’s worker.  The lanyard is proof that you are a children’s worker.  When we are baptized we are making our tag with God!