Monday, August 19, 2013

Object Lesson | Lollipop Grab

Source (Where I saw it): Original

Supplies:  Some lollipops

Preparation: None

The object lesson & how I used it...

Main Point: Don’t wait to act!

Illustration:  Walk up to the front and ask the kids if they like lollipops.  Then go in front of a few kids and offer the lollipop, but just as they reach out pull it away.  Do this a few times, and then let someone grab it.  One or two kids may try to tackle it out of your hands which can end up being good for the explanation.

Explanation:  You see boys and girls, I wanted someone to act, and to act now!  The kids that acted got a lollipop.  Some of you even tried to tackle me for the sugary goodness!  Can you imagine if we all jumped all over the opportunities God placed in our lives like that!  How many amazing things could we do if we trusted God!?  Too many times we hesitate when we hear God tell us to be nice to someone, or to invite someone to church, or to help someone, etc.  We could be missing out on an amazing opportunity for God to use us to make a huge impact!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Object Lesson | Dominos

Source (Where I saw it): Original

Supplies:  Some dominos

Preparation: Setup a little track of some of the dominos ready to be pushed over and cause a chain reaction of them all falling.

The object lesson & how I used it...

Main Point: Don’t wait to act!

Illustration:  Walk up to the front and ask the kids if they have ever played with dominos before.  See how many have ever set up a line or curves to make them fall.  Then ask someone if they want to be the person to knock down the first one.  Just point to the child, and if they don’t run up there after 2 seconds, stop them and tell them never mind and choose someone else.  Choose another child and do the same thing.  You have to be quick here though.  If no child acts quickly enough, before you choose another person explain that you have to act quickly!  Once a child runs up and causes the chain reaction explain.

Explanation:  You see boys and girls, I wanted someone to act, and to act now!  That person got to start a chain reaction of the dominos.  In our lives there are times that God puts opportunities in front of us to act on that could cause a chain reaction!  We have to act on them!  Maybe its to help someone who dropped their books at school, which leads you to invite them to church, and then they give their heart to God, and they end up telling their friends about God!  You can have a huge impact in the world around you by becoming aware of what God has put in front of you and acting!