Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Object Lesson | Creating Wind

Source (Where I saw it): Original

Supplies:  A fan, and a pile of torn up paper

Preparation: Have the fan plugged in or have batteries in it, and have it sitting across a table with a pile of ripped up paper.

The object lesson & how I used it...

Main Point: Just because we can't see God with our eyes, doesn't mean we can't see the effects of God in our lives.

Illustration: Come to the front and show the kids the paper, and the fan.  Now turn on the fan and have the paper fly all over the room.  Ask the kids how the paper moved?  That’s right the fan blew them in the air, but how did that happen?  I didn’t see the fan walk over, pick up, and throw the paper all around.

Explanation of point: You see boys and girls the fan created wind.  We can’t see the wind, but we know it exists because it pushed the paper all over.  It’s the same with God!  We may not be able to see God, but we can see all the things He does for us.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Object Lesson | Building Blocks

Source (Where I saw it): Original

Supplies:  Set of building blocks

Preparation: None

The object lesson & how I used it...

Main Point: Believing that God exists is a major part of the foundation of being a Christian.

Illustration:  Show the kids the building blocks, and start building a pyramid with them.  Explain to the boys and girls how every building has a support structure, a foundation, and without it no building could stand.  Even this little structure I’m building would be useless without the bottom blocks.  Pull out one of the bottom blocks and have the whole thing fall.

Explanation of point: You see boys and girls the foundation and support structure are critical!  Even in the building we are in now, if the foundation broke we would all be in big trouble.  In our lives, one of the basic foundation and structure points is our belief that God exists.  You can’t hope to live a life for Him if you aren’t sure about Him even existing.  Now we all doubt sometimes, and that’s ok, but deep down you must decide to trust in God.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Object Lesson | Dollar

Source (Where I saw it):

Supplies: A Dollar and something to put it in

Preparation: None

The object lesson & how I used it...

Main Point - We need not look any further then ourselves for proof that God exists!

Illustration:  Show the kids the dollar.  Explain to them how detailed the dollar is and all the information it contains.  It is an incredible piece of paper!  Now ask them how the dollar got into the object.  That’s right someone had to put it in there!

Explanation of point: You see boys and girls the dollar didn’t just create it self and then jump into the object.  When we have doubts about whether God exists or not, we don’t need to look any further than ourselves for proof that He does.  Look at how detailed we were made.  How amazing it is that we can breathe without thinking about it.  God made us and has a plan for us!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Object Lesson | Calendar Change

Source (Where I saw it): Original

Supplies: Two Calendars, one old (As old as you can get) and one current.

Preparation: None

The object lesson & how I used it...

Main Point: It is our choice to follow God's plan!

Illustration:  Show the kids the two calendars.  Ask them what you are holding.  Explain to them yes thats right these are calendars.  Now I have a calendar from 1977 and one from this year 2011.  Which one do you guys think I should use for this year?  Well of course I have to use the one from this year 2011.  If I used this old one I would have a lot of dates wrong and of course this calendar has already been used.

Explanation of the point:  You see boys and girls if we always do the things we have always done nothing will change and it actually messes us up.  Things are always changing and so are we.  It is up to us how we change though.  We want to plan and change for the better!  We want to say that we are closer to God, and following God’s plan for our lives better this year than last year!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Object Lesson | White Board

Source (Where I saw it): Original

Supplies:  A white board, dry erase markers, eraser

Preparation: None

The object lesson & how I used it...

Main Point: We need to fill up our life with God's choices!

Illustration:  Come to the front and show the kids the white board.  Tell them to imagine that this white board was their life.  As we live each day we fill in the board sometimes good and sometimes bad.  Ask the kids for some different things they can do that are good and bad.  Take 3-5 good things and 3-5 bad things.  Examples would be: Good - Visit Grandparents, clean room, listen to parents - Bad - fight with siblings, talk back to parents, not listen to teachers.  Make sure to write these things on the board.  Then explain to them that the New Years is a time to evaluate last year and try and make changes for this year.  Erase the board and ask the kids what will you fill in your life this year?