Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Object Lesson | Favorite Toy

Source (Where I saw it): Original

Supplies: A Toy, Scissors

Preparation: None

The object lesson & how I used it...

Main Point: God gave us the greatest gift of all time!

Illustration:  (We did this illustration right after showing Charlie Brown’s Christmas when Linus tells everyone the real meaning of Christmas.) Come up tell the kids about how Linus is right.  You see boys and girls Christmas is all about God’s love.  It is a story of God’s plan in the works to save us b/c He loves us!  Show the kids the toy.  Explain to the kids how this is your absolute favorite toy.  You used to bring it everywhere with you when you were young.  Nothing could separate you from this toy.  Even recall a time when you thought you lost the toy and were so upset until you found it.  Now explain to the kids that Christmas is a time to remember when God sent His son, Jesus, to the earth.  He gave us His son!  It would sort of be like me giving this toy away, but God took it a step further.  God loves us so much that He gave us Jesus knowing that the only way to save us was for His son to die.  On a smaller scale, it would sort of be like if I gave this toy to someone who I knew would destroy it.  Now take markers and start drawing all over it.  Then take scissors out and cut up the toy.

Explanation of the point: You see boys and girls, Christmas is all about God’s love.  God gave his son to die for us.  We can live because of the sacrifice of Jesus.  The great thing is Jesus didn’t stay like this.  Jesus rose form the dead, and now, the Bible tells us sitting in heaven with God praying for us.