Thursday, September 8, 2011

Object Lesson | Keys

Source (Where I saw it): Original

Supplies: Some car keys

Preparation: None

The object lesson & how I used it...

Main Point: We need to let God lead us!

Illustration: Show the kids the keys.  Ask them if they know what the keys do.  You can take some answers and hopefully one will get it right and say they are keys to a car.  If not after a few guesses just tell them.  Explain that whoever has the keys of the car is in charge of the car, right?  If your parents are driving you around they are ultimately in charge of where you go.  You trust them not to drive you off a cliff or into the ocean.

Explanation of point: We need to trust God with the keys to our life.  If we truly believe that God is in control and what His plan for our life then we truly have to trust and follow Him.  What would happen if you jumped out of the car while your parents were driving?  That’s right you could get seriously hurt, and wouldn’t get where you needed to be.  God wants to help us get where we should be in our life!  He has a plan!


  1. Thanks, I like this illustration, I think I'll use it at my church in Chiang Mai, Thailand this afternoon.
