Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Object Lesson | Running With Scissors

Source (Where I saw it): Original

Supplies: Scissors.

Preparation: None.

The object lesson & how I used it...

Main Point: We should obey God!

Illustration: Come to the front and show the boys and girls the scissors. Ask how many of them have ever used scissors before? Who knows what our parents, teachers, pastors, and just about every adult always tell us about scissors? What are we not supposed to do with them? That’s right, we are not supposed to run with scissors. Why is that though? I mean what if your mom really needs some scissors in a hurry, so run to the drawer they are in and then you run to give them to her. Doesn’t that make it ok? Why shouldn’t we run with scissors? You can then take some answers, and then explain that we don’t run with scissors because it can seriously hurt us. Even though it may seem like a faster and easier choice sometimes, ultimately running with scissors is a seriously bad idea!

Explanation: It is the same with our choices in a lot of our life. Sometimes some choices may seem like a good idea and maybe even fun it may end up hurting us in the long run. That’s why we should always check with God. When we look for God’s plan for our life through reading the Bible, and praying, we can find the absolute best choices for our life!

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