Thursday, November 1, 2012

Object Lesson | Puzzles

Source (Where I saw it): Original (This went along with the story of David and Goliath)

Supplies: Puzzle

Preparation: I used this as a challenge to kids and parents in a service, and actually passed out puzzles to each family.

The object lesson & how I used it...

Main Point: Don’t let fear stop what God wants to do in you!

Illustration: Come to the front and show the kids the puzzle.  Ask a few people how they attack a puzzle.  Is it from the corners in, or maybe somewhere in the middle, or something else?  Everyone has a certain way they attack a puzzle.  Surprisingly no one said they try and conquer a puzzle by hiding under the table.  Would anything get done that way?

Explanation:  Of course not!  In our lives their will always be puzzles, there will always be problems and issues that come our way, and we can’t let fear stop us from moving forward.  We need to be able to trust God and cast away any fear about any situation.  Whether it is a test that is coming up, or the dark, or losing a job, or where the next rent payment is coming from, when we dwell on our fears we are frozen.  Much like the Israelites where frozen in fear when faced with the puzzle of Goliath.  David said no way!  With God on my side no puzzle will stop me from accomplishing what God has for me!  In fact David had told King Saul that God had delivered him from a bear and lion already so Goliath isn’t anything.  As we grow and trust God it’s like starting out with an easy puzzle and working our way up.  The more we trust God the more we push the puzzles of life out of the way.  As we pray, I want one representative of each family to raise their hand.  As you raise your hand a leader is going to come and hand you a puzzle and a sheet with a family devotion on it.  This week, I challenge you to sit down with your family with no electronics on, and work on this puzzle together.  While you work on the puzzle talk about the fears each person has and talk about how God can help with that, then pray with each other!

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