Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Object Lesson | Don't Lose Your Heart!

Source (Where I saw it): Idea came from Jon Alexis, with some original modifications.

Supplies: Paper, Scissors, Candy, and Bigger Prizes.

Preparation: Cut out as many little hearts as you have students.

The object lesson & how I used it...

Main Point: Only God can keep our heart perfect!

Illustration: This is a two part object lesson.  As the students walk in hand them a hear and tell them, “This is your heart today,” and nothing else.  Have some other leaders very casually during pre service activities ask some students if they will trade their heart for a piece of candy.

Explanation of point: Part two of this object lesson should be at the end, and here is the explanation to the students.  Boys and girls how many of you still have your heart?  Hold them up and let me see them.  Today some of you were offered to give away your heart for candy, and many of you gave it away.  Others of you kept your heart, but during the day you lost it, or took really bad care of it and it is torn and crumpled.  Now some of you elected to keep your heart, you protected it.  Those of you who still have your heart intact get a prize out of the prize box this morning.  You see boys and girls, in life there will be a lot of choices to make and you have to decide where your heart will be.  Will it be with God?  God will protect your heart, He will love you, be faithful, and will never fail.  A lot of people though refuse to give their heart to God and instead give it to worldly things, like drugs, and alcohol.  Other people try to hold on to their own heart, but it gets beat up and heart by people.  If you want your heart to stay pure, and whole then God is the one who truly will love you and keep it safe.

Add On: If you have a change bag (Will have a post on this soon), you can explain to the kids that God can change a heart that is torn and broken and make it new again.  If you don't have a change bag, here is one to check out at amazon, it has a zipper on the bottom for extra coolness:  Change Bag W/ Zipper

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