Sunday, February 5, 2012

Object Lesson | Never Ending Water Jug

Source (Where I saw it): Original

Supplies: Never ending water jug magic trick (It's actually called a Lota Bowl), cups... a lot of cups.

Preparation: Set up the trick.

The object lesson & how I used it...

Main Point: God will meet our needs

Illustration: Show the kids the water jug and explain to them that ever container can hold a certain amount of water. Normally when you pour out a container and it is empty, you would have to refill it. But this is a special container, it can do the impossible. Start pouring out the water into cups.

Explanation: Keep randomly pouring out more water as you explain the point. The point is that God will always be there to meet our needs. We just need to trust that he will always be there for us and that He can do the impossible. The Bible tells us that if we had faith as tiny as a mustard seed we could move mountains! When other people think there is no hope we should know that God can do anything and has a plan. God will meet our needs and take care of us!

*Normally I try to keep as many object lessons as possible to be as cheap as possibly, but this is one amazing trick.  It is a magic trick that can be used a lot of different ways.  If you want to check one out, hear is a Morrissey Lota Bowl - 6" Standard from amazon.

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